About Jeff

Life Coaching to Suit Your Needs


Experience is knowledge.

Extensive in depth perspective and a calling to help people has lead me to a life of coaching. You and I will work together to analyze your current position and set obtainable goals to move forward.

Life After Trauma

Losing a loved one, going through a divorce, getting fired or any major life trauma is extremely difficult for anyone. You do not have to go through it alone and you can move forward with your life. There is HOPE.  I have faced great adversity both professionally and personally. Attending 11 NHL training camps and being sent to the minors year after year did not stop me. I persevered to enjoy a 21 year professional playing career. It was that perseverance and mental toughness that helped me to get paid to see the world. Personal tragedy is far more devastating than being sent to the minors. I lost my daughter Ryan at age 11 after a three year fight with a terrible pediatric cancer.  One of the questions I am asked frequently is, ” How do you get out of bed after losing a child?” Visit teamryanfoundation.org to read Ryan’s story and our fight.

It is not easy to overcome personal tragedy. But we can do it together. I have been there and I will assist you through tough times to get you back on track to move forward with your life.  





High Level Sports Training

With over 30 years in professional hockey, I will share my experience and knowledge with you. Together we will help you excel and succeed. I  have worked with the best camps, clinics and instructors in the world including current NHL and D1 College coaches. Let me get your game, and your life, to the next level.